Is this product toxic to your health?

There are over 82,000 unregulated chemicals that are currently being used in cosmetics, skin care and household cleaning products in the United States. What does that mean to a consumer? That means that toxic chemicals can be in your products and the FDA does not require companies to put warnings on the labels.
One of these products is Retin A. It is described as the gold standard for the fountain of youth. And does it work? The answer is yes, it does work. It will cause cell turnover, help diminish fine lines and wrinkles and give you smoother skin. But at what cost to you?
Retin A is a synthetic form of a vitamin A molecule, and it works at a cellular level to improve the skin's appearance. But what you may not know is what else is in this cream or gel that could be hazardous to your health. On a side note, the oral version of Retin A, or Trentinoin is Accutane. Accutane was pulled from the market in 2009. But there are still generic versions out there. Accutane is a category X drug, which means it has very serious side effects.
The following ingredients in Retin A are considered endocrine disruptors. That means that these Chemicals used in Retin A interfere with your hormone systems. Endocrine interuptors can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects and developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones can be derailed by disruptors.
Here are a few of the disruptors and a description of the chemical. I am writing this blog not to scare anyone,. but to inform and educate. Then you can figure out what to do with the information you have read.
Butylanted Hydroxytoluene-BHT- This chemical is added to most foods to preserve fats. It is made from the chemicals p-cresol and isobutylene. P- cresol is a chemical that is a mosquito attractant while isobutylene is a flammable substance one hydrocarbon away from butane. BHT is prepared by the reaction of p-cresol and isobutylene catalysed by sulfuric acid. It's primary use is to prevent foods from becoming rancid. Rats fed BHT developed tumors in their liver and lungs. The Environmental Working Group-EWG says to avoid products with BHT.
Brucine Sulfate-another chemical in retin A is an alkaloid closelly related to strychnine. Most commonly found in the vomica tree. It is used to denature alcohol and can be fatal if ingested. I could keep going on but I think you are probably getting the jest of what I am trying to say.
So basically, we are looking for the results of the synthetic vitamin A part of this pharmaceutical and the exfoliation that happens when you use it. Your skin begins to sluff off which causes cell turn over and promotes collagen growth.
You can do this naturally without these chemicals and with the real vitamin A from nature.
Rosehip oil contains real vitamin A.
In 1983 the faculty of Pharmacology and Chemistry at the University of Concepcion in Chile conducted a 2 year study with an emphasis and study on the healing action of the oil. The study was conducted on 180 patients with extensive facial scarring, acne scarring, deep wrinkles, sun damage, radiation damage, burns, surgical scars and a group suffering from pre-mature aging. The results were outstanding and remarkable. It was found that Rose hip oil with continual application, effectively helped with reducing the effect of scars and wrinkles, along with preventing advancement of premature aging and helped in regaining lost skin color and tone.
Later pharmaceutical companies caught on to the remarkable properties of this Trans-Retinoic acid, a derivative of Vitamin A and formed Retin-A. But as I said at the beginning, the prescription Retin-A has so many chemicals that it has been considered Toxic for human use in many arenas.
Later pharmaceutical companies caught on to the remarkable properties of this Trans-Retinoic acid, a derivative of Vitamin A and formed Retin-A. But as I said at the beginning, the prescription Retin-A has so many chemicals that it has been considered Toxic for human use in many arenas.
So this is why Real Raw Beauty carries Radiant A. It is a proprietary blend of Organic Virgin oils, and Rosehip oil is the main oil. The combination of the oils delivers some incredible benefits for your skin.
The vitamin A in Rosehip oil stimulates new cell growth and preserve the skin's elasticity, and the molecules are small enough to penetrate the skin and help with cell turnover and the promotion of collagen. Add the pink himalayan salt exfoliator to sluff off and remove dead skin cells. All the benefits without the use of toxic chemicals or hormone disruptors. And the results are real.
As Maya Angelo says, "when you know better, you do better!" Now you know!
Until next time,