A Beautiful Story
This is Morgan and here are the emails that she sent me.
My name is Morgan. I live in Memphis, TN and had the honor of practicing yoga with Hannah when she had Give. I have also tried her amazing raw food and she had put a sample of your radiant skin.
I was so grateful because I was having an operation on my neck the very next week and I would not be able to get water anywhere near my incision. I have been following your blog and then ordered some radiant body which I have loved to...as I have been extremely dry since my operation well really this entire winter.
So thank you for the wonderful work you are doing! I was wondering if you had any product or what you could recommend? I had my salivary gland and a branchial cleft cyst a little larger than a ping pong ball removed from my neck on December 20. I would like some kind of oil to rub on the scar. It is still a little bit tender but I really want something that might aid in the puffiness around my scar...it is still swollen. When I began this journey I was worried about the scar...now I realize I will have a scar I just want to make sure I am taking care of it. Your oils have been very calming and nurturing for me during this process so I wanted to reach out and get your advice.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
I was so grateful because I was having an operation on my neck the very next week and I would not be able to get water anywhere near my incision. I have been following your blog and then ordered some radiant body which I have loved to...as I have been extremely dry since my operation well really this entire winter.
So thank you for the wonderful work you are doing! I was wondering if you had any product or what you could recommend? I had my salivary gland and a branchial cleft cyst a little larger than a ping pong ball removed from my neck on December 20. I would like some kind of oil to rub on the scar. It is still a little bit tender but I really want something that might aid in the puffiness around my scar...it is still swollen. When I began this journey I was worried about the scar...now I realize I will have a scar I just want to make sure I am taking care of it. Your oils have been very calming and nurturing for me during this process so I wanted to reach out and get your advice.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
Of course I was sorry to hear that Morgan had been through surgery and that now she had quite a large scar that was going to take some time to heal. But I was so happy that she reached out and I was able to help in the healing process. I sent her a mixture of oils that I knew had strong healing properties for cuts, burns, scraps, blisters and scarring. It also promotes the formation of new tissue and works at a cellular level to improve the skin's appearance. After 2 weeks she wrote me back and sent pictures to show me how well the oils had worked.
Hello Jan!
First, I wanted to say thank you for sharing the gift of your oils with me. I am grateful for you! I wanted to update you on how it is going after two weeks of use. Please see the pictures below. The one on the left is after my surgery two weeks ago before I started your oils. The one on the right was taken today. I have seen and most importantly FELT a difference in only 2 weeks. Many of the benefits are noticeable in the pictures. First, you will notice the swelling in my neck has gone down a LOT!!! I have a jaw bone in the right photograph!!! This makes me so happy!!! Before surgery (because of the mass) I was so swollen...but I didn't remain as swollen after surgery... The dr. Said this could last a while but after only 2 weeks I'm starting to feel more like myself! The second is the thickness and color of the scar! I have olive skin and scar VERY easily. Every small cut or injury never fades on my skin!! So I was just going to accept my scar... I am so shocked at how much it had already faded! From a previous surgery I had used mederma, bio oil, cocoa butter and numerous other products... And those scars are still more visible than my scar treated with your oil!!
And finally the most wonderful benefit to me is not visible on a photograph. It is peaceful, healing feeling I have felt each time I rub your oil onto my scar. This is a little harder to explain... But trust me.... It's beautiful and blissful!!!:):) Since surgery my incision has been very painful and I've been trying to protect it from any touch, even my own. But now I look forward to putting your oil on! Not only has the pain faded but so has the feeling of the need to overprotect my neck.
My healing process, thanks to you, has been beautiful!
I also want to order something from you for my mother. (Ill send you another email with details)
Thank you for taking your time to read this email. I am typically concise... And have never written a review on any product ... ( I don't even rate my apps:))
But I wanted to share all these happy details with you.

Thank you Morgan for allowing me to share your story and pictures. The oils that Morgan is using will soon be available at www.realrawbeauty.com
Until next time,