Why Go Raw?

That sounds like a loaded question!! Actually I have been contemplating this raw food issue for quite some time. I have been a regular American eater, a vegetarian, a vegan and then back to a vegetarian. Which , by the way, I am from the south and the term vegan is not heard in normal conversation,. My husband loved telling new people that his wife was a vegan! Most people just nodded their heads and said , "Really, wow" (having no clue what he was talking about).
I have spent most of my adult life searching for a way of eating that was healthy, made me happy, and didn’t make me feel like I was suffering and being deprived. Well, low and behold, I have found what I was looking for in raw food eating.
The benifits of eating a raw diet have been so numerous, it's hard to keep track. You wake up in the morning radiant, full of energy, illuminated and rested, all in the first morning glance! Your health will improve, if you are trying to lose weight, automatic! Your skin will literally GLOW! Many would say"O, I could never eat just raw uncooked food!! "
At one time in my life I said the same thing. But I am here to give you the tools to begin your journey to what I consider the diet that will save us, remove sickness and disease, and increase longevity.
So keep checking in with Real Raw Women , and you will begin to discover the secrets of how to embody all of these wonderful treasures!